Facebook Marketing

Get Started with Facebook Marketing in 5 Steps + 8 Ways to Engage with Your Audience

With vast advancement in the use of social media, your social presence is as crucial as your business card. It’s important to advertise your business using social media, the right way, and increase your sales. And, You should get started with Facebook Marketing to mark your social media presence as Facebook is still one of the most important social media channels to be on.

5 Steps to Get Started with Facebook Marketing

1. Create a Facebook Page and Not a personal profile

Make sure you choose the right page template. For example, if I will create a page for Marketing Savior, I’ll prefer to choose Marketing/Advertising as the template type.

2. Add more information

About your business, your working hours, your services, your website, and literally everything. 

3. Opt for a short page name

that describes your business clearly. Try to add a keyword if required.

For example – Marketing Savior is short and concise in describing its service ‘marketing’. Avoid writing big names like ‘ Marketing Savior – Best Marketing Agency in the City’

4. Give your Facebook Page a unique username

i.e. your Facebook page’s URL. Go for a short and concise URL like ours.

5. Update your Facebook page’s profile picture

(usually a square image) and cover (851 x 351). Make sure the picture is not too salty and must describe your business. The brand logo would be a great option for a profile picture.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments!


How to Engage with Your Audience on Facebook? 

1. Stay active and post consistently

Images, videos, photo albums have a high engagement rate as compared to plain text.

2. “Share to Unlock”

This trick can help you increase your engagement in the best possible way. If you have an offer coming up, ask your followers and fans to share the post and after 50 (or you no. it) shares, you’ll unlock the discount code.

3. Make the best use of emoticons

and business-related hashtags to make it easier for people to find you when they are searching for similar products.

4. Promote your products or services

in related Facebook groups, Comment and Interact with people, give valid suggestions, be funny, witty, etc on other fan pages related to your niche. It will help you make your presence. Make sure to add a link to your Facebook page so that people can know more about you and maybe they’ll drop a like. 

Tip – Avoid being spammy.

5. Conduct Facebook Contests –

  • The Facebook contest will allow your fans to participate and win exciting gifts or discounts from you thus creating a fan base.

  • Use Facebook Likes – Ask your fans to like the post and stand a chance to win a free voucher.

  • Ask your fans to message you and tell you why they deserve to win.

Tip – Encourage Engagements – You can ask your fans to share this post or tag their friends as much as possible and win free gifts. 

6. Fan of the Month

 You can honor your Biggest Fan with ‘Fan of the Month’ – the person who liked and engaged the most with your content. It will encourage others to engage more and win the coveted title.

7. Create Events on Facebook

Facebook allows you to create an event whether you are conducting an online event or a physical event. You can invite people to join your event, Post details about the event, collect RSVPs, etc. Your event is likely to show to the friends of the person who has marked your event as going or interested. 

8. Boost Posts 

The simplest form of creating an ad on Facebook is ‘Boost Post’ 

It allows you to boost and show your high engaged post to people who you can target manually. You can choose to boost your post to specific gender, specific country, region, people with specific interests, and so on. It is the cheap and best way to engage your audience if you have some event, sale, or running some promotion.

These were the quick tips on how to get started with Facebook Marketing. Which ones are you going to adopt? Tell me in the comment section below. If you have any queries or need help in setting up a Facebook page, comment down below, or reach me on LinkedIn.

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