Facebook organic reach

Is Facebook Organic Reach Dead?

Is Facebook organic reach completely dead? From the past few years, we have been hearing that the organic reach of Facebook – the #1 social media platform is reducing day by day. 

Partially, YES. Organic reach on Facebook has seen a decline

because there’s too much content being published on Facebook every single minute. To reach maximum people, businesses have no other options except running Facebook ads. Facebook algorithm strives to show the content that is relevant to people and creates a good user experience. Either your content should be top-notch or you pay for Facebook ads. Facebook newsfeed has become more competitive than ever and both organic and paid content are in competition to show up in your news feed.

So, in this competitive era, how can I increase my engagements on Facebook organically? Before moving further, let us understand what does organic reach on Facebook means:

Organic reach simply means making your content reach to maximum no. of people without spending any penny on Facebook ads.

Why Facebook Organic Reach and Engagements Important?

Till when you are going to pay Facebook to reach your audience? Someday or another, your budget will exhaust and then you have to go back to organic posting. So, it’s better to build an audience that is highly interested in your products, services, and content rather than paying to Facebook every time you publish a post. 

When you will reach and engage with your audience organically, your expense on Facebook ads will cut off. The reach of your old content will also be pumped up automatically as people will start to engage with your content more often. This way, you will get genuine customers without spending a penny.

Is Organic Reach on Facebook Completely Dead?

Simple and short – No. The Facebook organic reach is not completely dead. It is declining for a number of reasons as stated above, but you can turn the tables. To reach people in an organic way, there are several things that you can do. But whatever you do, your focus should be on two things – Your Audience and Your Content.

Targeted audience

You must know to whom you want to reach. For example, a local salon would want to reach consumers who are nearby or in the same city. 

Type of Content –

The most important thing that every business should keep in mind is its content. Think and re-think about the different types of content that can be posted and will associate with your target audience. For example, a salon must focus on posting personally curated content like seasonal offers, client testimonials, behind the scenes. This will help attract more customers into the salon…

How to increase organic reach and engagements on Facebook?

When getting started with Facebook marketing, one of the most frequently asked questions is – how can I increase my organic reach and engagements? So, once you have defined your target audience and created well engaging content, here are some steps that you can follow to increase your organic reach on Facebook:

1. Share Posts in Groups

One of the most efficient ways to increase the Facebook organic reach and engagement is by sharing your content in related Facebook groups. For example, a local salon should join local groups, local communities and share its content there to get the most engagements. This way, your Facebook post will get organic reach and organic engagements without spending a dollar.

2. Create Video Content

The most effective medium of marketing that engages the audience at a very fast pace is video. People love to watch videos. All you have to do is, grab a camera, record a video, add subtitles (increases watch rate immediately ) and publish. You can create any sort of videos related to your business – be it how-to’s, customer video reviews, product unboxing or anything. Videos will definitely boost up your reach and engagements.

3. Eye Catchy Offers

Everyone out there is looking for offers. Who doesn’t love saving money, Right? So, post eye-catching offers, discounts or give-aways and it can drive people crazy. For example, a salon offering 50% discount offers to students every Thursday is a great way to reach the younger audience and build relationships. Once they love your service, your audience will automatically share your post to their friends, family & groups thus increasing your organic reach on Facebook and getting you some real customers.

4. Quality rather than Quantity

 It’s important to post content on a regular basis but after a specific period of time. Take a break, let your post reach the audience and then post again. Don’t keep on posting one after another. This will lower your reach and none of your content will stand out. Your audience might get tired of seeing your posts too frequently and unfollow you. You don’t want that right, do you? So post high-quality engaging content smartly and consistently.

5. Facebook Stories

Facebook stories are quite under-rated but have a high engagement rate. Many people think that putting a facebook story is not a great way to engage with the audience. But, it’s the other way around. Also, rather than posting 20 posts on the newsfeed, post them in your stories. Not 20 of course, but enough to engage with your audience. They’ll disappear after 24 hours anyway, so it won’t harm your followers with too much content.

6. Driving Traffic on Facebook Page from Website

We usually drive website traffic via Facebook, but why not try it the other way around? The website is one of the most amazing ways to drive organic traffic to your Facebook page. Whoever visits your website, tell them to check out your Facebook page for quality content. Add social icons on your website, hyperlink your Facebook posts in your website content. This will definitely grow your Facebook organic reach and engagements.

7. Quick Response Time

This might not increase your organic reach but will surely get you more customers. As soon as you receive a message or comment on Facebook, reply to them. The quicker you reply, the highest is your response time. Have a conversation, build relationships with your audience and understand their problems. It helps in increasing the trust of the user on your brand.

8. Share Quick Tips

The easiest of all – Share quick tips and see your Facebook organic reach getting a boost. Interact with your audience by sharing some quick beneficial tips about your product either by putting stories on a daily basis, going to Facebook Live or posting it as a post on your feed. Give them information, get engagements in return. For example, a salon can share quick hair blow drying tips, facial hack, etc.

Go ahead and use these techniques to increase your organic reach and engagements on Facebook without any strain on your pocket. Thank me later!

Which one of the above are you going to try first? Do let me know in the comments!

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